Growers & traders have access to training and information
Over the past decades Bangladeshi Government and internationally donor funded projects focused particularly on promoting cultivation improvements in the vegetable sector. Knowledge and experience in the onion sector on post-harvest handling and storage is still limited.
It is important that the production and storage practices recommended by project experts are disseminated. Growers and traders should have the necessary know-how and skills to be able to contribute to reduced post-harvest losses, extending the shelf-life of the onions and reducing Bangladeshi onion imports. Knowledge transfer is therefore crucial.
What do we do?
The following activities are implemented during the project period:
- Training and information materials on onion cultivation and post-harvest handling / storage practices are developed.
- Training and technical support of:
- The storage managers and staff of selected local business partners;
- The participating onion growers;
- Lal Teer extension staff.
- Field days are organised in villages with onion demonstration fields for growers, input suppliers, Department of Agricultural extension officers and other interested stakeholders.
- Open days are organised at the modern box and bag-based onion facilities for interested parties in improved handling and storage solutions. This will facilitate the commercial uptake of the Dutch technologies..
All consortium partners are involved in implementing these activities.

Deltadesh (Pvt.) Ltd.
Apt. C-1, House 1/A, Road 79, Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
project @
+ 880 1632 845385