During the second half of 2022, in the selected regions Pabna and Faridpur demo locations were set-up where trials with 8 onion varieties were carried out. Five varieties were provided by Bejo Zaden and three by Lal Teer. In Faridpur 13 growers were selected and in Pabna 14 growers who each received the onion seed for free. By the end of 2022 all growers planted the improved onion seed.
During the growing season, Lal Teer staff and Jeroen Koops (Bejo Zaden) visited the fields and trained the selected onion growers on proper onion plantation, growing instructions, common disease and control, Irrigation, harvesting and post-harvesting methods.
By half April 2023, the onions were harvested. To ensure exact yield and eventually post-harvest loss calculation, the sample bags were filled with onions (different coloured bag per variety) and were weighted at exactly 40 kg.